Thursday, October 28, 2010

Old Fashion Day - Photo Shoot Winners!!

I had such a great time meeting The Carnes Family this past Sunday.  Shannon was the winner in my drawing at Walton, Kentucky's Old Fashion Day.  I loved hearing, "This is WAY better than going to JC Penney's to have pictures done!"  I totally agree Gregg.  I try to make each session as comfortable as possible and is the number one reason I ask if you have a favorite/familiar place.  IE: Your home, family members home or a park the family likes to play at.    

I love the below shot, so romantic and touching.  I almost felt I was intruding! 

Are they not the cuties girls ever??  The dogs decided THEY had to be in a couple of pictures.  I have to say it was the funniest thing I ever saw.  Who says dogs cannot talk?? 

I had been playing with a idea of black and white photo lately.  To me they are "classic".  I brought the wagon with me as a prop - great investment BTW - and pulled the color back in photoshop.   I was able to get some great photo of ALL four kids  

I named the below picture, "I've Got a Secret".  Earlier, Lucy didn't want her picture taken and when the big kids showed up and I was taking their pictures she decided she wanted hers done and realize how much fun it was.  What a hoot!

The Dog makes NINE!!

What a wonderful time I had with this family of 8 + Titan who I highlighted in the picture!!  We first went to an old barn that Jake and I had gone to the day before and different shots.  Below we attempted (and I use that word loosely) to get the jumping sequence just right.  I was able to get MOST in the air without having an accident!  What troopers they were!

Then we moved to the field behind our subdivision.  All the grass has dried up and made interesting contrast with this antique chair.  I am SURE the neighbors wondered what was going on with all of heading to the field carrying different items!!  I highlighted their dog because he RULES!!  Of course, I didn't have the heart to tell him his days are numbered since Will really is the one that runs the show!

The Hurles'

Jake and Will


 The kids

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jake - HS Senior

What a great day!  I met Jake this afternoon to take his HS Senior.  We started off discussing where to set his wonderful Graffiti he painted and ended up leaning it on his house...less transport and less damage.  

We then hopped into my truck and headed to the barn at the front of our neighborhood.  Below are one a few I took there. At this location there was some very interesting building that made great backdrops.  There was an enormous Oak Tree there too that I had Jake pose in front of.  He said that he had never climbed a tree before.  I had to get a couple of him IN the tree before graduation! To see the joy and determination of him climbing the tree made my day!

Jake's friend Luke was my assistant for the day.  He helped hold my disk reflectors and making Jake laugh.  He told us of this great bridge in Walton, Ky to take some photos, so we headed over.  I was able to catch some amazing photos.  As we were about to leave the boys wanted to clown around (see the sign above the below picture) when all of a sudden a cranky old man comes stopping down the bridge.  Telling us this was private property which is interesting because I never saw any posted signs.  Anyway, we left without any harm.

TY Luke for your help. 

I ended up taking 108 pictures - I know this number isn't really anything new I am SNAP HAPPY after all!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Collapsible Disk Reflectors

I am happy to report that my 5 in 1 Collapsible Disk Reflectors I purchased from Ebay for .99 + shipping from China made it to my snappy little fingers!  I was so excited that I borrowed some neighborhood kids to model.  I had my assistant helping with the positioning.  That was somewhat of a challenge to locate sun then angle just right without the wind picking her up.  Actually if you were driving by you might have laughed.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

It's all in the Timing

Oh what fun kids are!  They seriously crack me up.  One of them accused me of working for the Paparazzi!  I had to laugh.  My daughter said, "Well, don't you know the name of her business"?  The other girl said, "no".  She said, "It's Snap Happy"!  The girl looked at me and said, "Good name".

Yesterday I asked some of the neighborhood kids, some will be in the upcoming photo shoot, to "pose".  Here are some of the results:

Monday, September 20, 2010

9.20.2010 - Oh SNAP!

Over the weekend we were busy working on things for Jordan & Lexi's wedding. I am "attemping" (I am going to use that word loosly) to make a covering for the wagon Chase AKA the #1 flower girl to pull down the isle.  I will edit this post with a picture.  Hopefully it will turn out as cute as it is in my head!

On some other news:
Over the weekend I tried locating some unusal locations for HS Senior - Jake.  He is into ART in a big way and thought it would be fun to take his picture by some graffiti because it was HIPPER than some murals.  I also contacted a friend that works at the train yard to see if they would grant permission and he said they don't do this due to safety reasons.  Man, I really thought that would have been a cool shot!  Oh well we will look into some else for him. 
Also, I am very excited that I finally made contact with Shannon the winner in the free give away at the Old Fashion Day in Walton, Ky. We are currently working schedules since the month is beginning to book up.

Finally, I did take some macro pictures Friday night of a NOT so HAPPY Praying Manthis... I must be lossing my charm!  He was camera shy I believe or just blinded by the flashes.  He wouldn't sit still for nothing! 

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Wow, what a day it has been. Today has been a very busy day preparing for two upcoming photo shoots. I tend to put a great deal of time and thought into each shoot, because I want to personalize each session and be prepared for my clients!

The two shoots I have are: Jake a HS Senior who is very talented in Art. I have been searching for a wall with graffite on it in Northern Kentucky or at the railroad train station. I think it will not only be unusal, but show his personality.

The other shoot is The Hurles Family 10.10.2010- family size is 8 plus one dog. I have been jotting shot ideas all afternoon! So excited about this. I am sure I will post about the photo shoot and post some pictures.

So come back and see what's happening with SNAP HAPPY!
